My Mission
I started this website with a goal in mind: inspire anyone who finds it to start creating. While some may find it easier than others to work on their skills and improve, I want to give a starting point for anyone interested. This website will host not only detailed descriptions of any future projects I work on, but also files of my work. I will be sharing schematics, 3d models, PCB layouts, and code going forward. Through this, I hope others can find the courage to start their journey, and find the ability to explore complicated concepts.
JHattPedals is a platform for individual learning and development, and by keeping all my posts casual, I hope you can see how rewarding the final product can be. By starting this website as a student, I want to showcase the highs and lows of engineering—because it isn’t just about success, but persistence and curiosity as well. So whether you are just starting out, need inspiration, or already a professional, I hope you can feel comfortable and find some joy here.
While I will be supplying my work, I will not be your personal teacher. The challenges you’ll face—researching, problem-solving, and iterating—are a vital part of the creative process. Every misstep is an opportunity to learn, and anyone who wants to create must embrace this mindset.
This all sounds tough, but believe me when I say that it is fun. All the time I thought I wasted trying to fix a circuit (unplugged power supply), learn a new software (terrible UI), or leaving an imprint of a fist in my wall (fried components), have been some of my favorite experiences. In creation, no time is truly wasted—every mistake, no matter how frustrating, is a chance to grow.
Be your best,