Website Created!

I was convinced to start a website to document my Electrical Engineering journey, as I feel like this is a great way to detail the process. This also gives visitors a chance to get to now me a bit more than what I have on my LinkedIn page. I plan on hosting any projects that I complete with a full description on the process. I already have some projects under my belt, and I may or may not post those here (they aren’t that great). Regardless of my current skill level in whatever I work on, I will be posting them here to document my growth. I will also be documenting some projects for my classes as I take them, and will be marked as such, but as per university guidelines, I will be restricted on what I can share on these projects. These will just be a showcase of the final product with a reflection of what I learned.
This website is actually not meant to sell my projects (inquire if you are interested though), but to allow others to learn from my experiences. I want people to be able to see my progress as I learn, and be able to recreate what they see. I will not be your personal teacher, as being able to use what you have been given is an invaluable skill.
I also created this website as a resource for potential employers. At the time of writing this post, I do not have any professional experience yet, and do not have any planned for Summer 2025. In place of an internship or co-op, I have decided to dedicate myself to developing my skills, primarily in my work with audio electronics.

If anyone is interested in following along to my projects, I get all my components from Tayda Electronics, Mouser, or just off Amazon. I am not affiliated with any of these websites, I just want to be as open as possible.

Be your best,


My Mission