List of My Current Projects - Feb 2025

Update 2/12/25
I currently have two projects outside of school work I am working on.

  1. My main project that many already know about, is the progress towards my first original guitar pedal design. I have had some setbacks so far, as I keep adjusting the circuit according to how I feel each day. Currently, I do not feel it is good enough to make public just yet, so you will need to wait a little bit longer.

  2. My secondary project is meant to be an introduction to interfacing with microcontrollers as well as applying the knowledge from my current courses. The end goal is to have a digital clock and decibel meter to mount on my wall near my guitar equipment. I have a roadmap of about twenty steps to achieve the final design.
    The current plan is as follows: Use VSCode to create the program for a single ESP32 microcontroller. This will interface with an RTC module to keep track of the current time for the digital clock display. The ESP32 will also interface with a custom microphone module which takes the AC signal from the microphone, rectifying it, and bringing the voltage to a level that the ESP32 can handle.
    The microcontroller will then run my custom C++ code to send digital data to a series of shift registers that will drive a custom LED matrix. The LEDs will be diffused by a custom 3D printed segment, essentially creating a proprietary 7-segment display. Everything will be housed in a custom 3D printed enclosure.

Next time I have free time between my coursework, I will be providing pictures and documentation of my progress.


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